Tilikum Red

Friday, May 24, 2024

I can only imagine bad things. I can only envision the horrific acts against other humans. I can turn the TV on and see them. Or tune in to my local radio station and hear what the evils of this world are stirring in the hot pots of tomato soup and radish skins. But there—it’s still said—I can only imagine.

Goodness keeps the world going around. Spare change for a change? What goes around must come around—so they say. But in the absence of goodness emerges free will. And for some, they’d love to impose their existence because, in the absence of goodness, life gets boring.

I can only imagine several billion breaths coming to crash at the moments of boredom. And so, millions of years later, here we live, selling and buying the moments of excitement as if infomercials of the radio waves no longer share the deeds of sweet and sour-soaked cherries over a slice of red velvet cake.

Was evil such a product of free will or the nature of existence? Maybe it was the inevitable byproduct of our void?

A wise fool once wrote to me, “Cure rage, and the lotus blooms black.” Can you imagine what I wrote back?

– Budd

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